Nov 11, 2022

Have you ever dreamed in what felt like 3d? Like you could feel the heat, and texture of your loved ones? I demanded more than to dream I’m color, I had to feel,taste, smell, and hear it all. I dared to be great until I heard them say great doesn’t change your life, it simply appeases the opinions of those whom you seek to please. Wildly awaiting awaken from a dream that the others in this world would have you to believe is the only way to achieve some GREAT feat!

To be honest I want to live my life in full on 3d, whether it be good,great, or painful. I want to taste it all, but I ask that my life is more sunshine and rainbows than bittersweet fruit.

-HennessyJ. ©️2022


Writing is my way of coping with the beauty of life.